
A Backbone framework that encourages code re-use

ƒ helps you build large, modular apps.

Dead simple inheritance, nested components, view rendering, and easy REST integration.

Doesn't reinvent the wheel.

Using Backbone, jQuery, and Handlebars, ƒ provides a simple way to modularize large JavaScript applications.

Stays (pseudo) classy.

ƒ uses PseudoClass, an OOP framework that lets you create building blocks that you can extend, mixin, and re-use.

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Getting started is easy.

1. Create a namespace:

Nobody likes global variables. Keep it neat with a namespace.

var App = {};

2. Build your components

Anything that needs a model, view, or controller can be a component.

App.Welcome = new Class({ toString: 'Welcome', extend: F.Component, // Add custom events to your view View: F.View.extend({ events: { 'click .sayHi': 'sayHi' } }), // Store templates and events here so they can be overridden Template: Handlebars.compile( '<strong>Welcome!</strong>'+ '<button class="sayHi">Say hi!</button>' ), construct: function(options) { // Pass constructor options to the view _.extend(options, { // Render this component with our template template: this.Template, // Let events call this component's methods component: this }); // Create your view, no need to render! this.view = new this.View(options); }, // Define your methods sayHi: function() { alert(this.toString()+' says hi!'); } });

3. Setup your app

Your app is just another component.

App.Main = new Class({ toString: 'Main', extend: F.Component, // Use F's default view View: F.View, // Store the template in the prototype so it can be overridden Template: Handlebars.compile( '<h1>Killer App</h1>'+ '<div class="welcome"></div>' ), construct: function(options) { // Config is always passed to the constructor console.log('%s: started. Options:', this, options); _.extend(options, { // Add this component to body of the page el: document.body, // Render this component with our template template: this.Template, // Let events call this component's methods component: this }); // Create a view for the app // Render right away if you use selectors below this.view = new this.View(options); }, // Called when this component is shown setup: function() { // Add your components this.addComponent(new App.Welcome({ // show the component immediately visible: true, // add the sub-component to element div.welcome el: this.view.$('.welcome') })); }, // Called when this component is hidden teardown: function() { this.removeSubComponents(); } });

3. Create an instance of your app

Fire it up!

var myApp = new App.Main(); myApp.show();

Want to know more?

Read The ƒ Manual

Maintained by lazd